OLO/Department: STATE COURTS SYSTEM Agency Contact:
FLAIR Contract #: 00C26 Telephone #:
Agency Contract #: 1500C26
Contractor/Vendor/Payee: JLN MEDIATION LLC
Original Contract Amount: $0.00 Total Contract Amount: $0.00 Contract Type: No Ceiling / Rate Agreement
Contract Start Date:  07/01/2022 Contract End Date: 06/30/2024
Contract Last Signed Date: 06/30/2022 Advanced Funded: No
METHOD OF PROCUREMENT: Exempt legal services, including attorney, paralegal, expert witness, appraisal, mediator [s. 287.057(3)(e)4., F.S.]
Invoice Number: Invoice Period:
Total Amount of Previous Payments:
I certify, by evidence of my signature, the information on this form is true and correct; the goods and services have been satisfactorily received and payment is now due. I understand that the office of the State Financial Officer reserves the right to require additional documentation and/or to conduct periodic post-audits of any agreements.
Contract Manager Name printed:
Contract Manager Signature: Date:



Deliverable Number Deliverables as stated in the Contract Minimum Performance Levels Deliverable Price Type of Services Method of Payment
Per Session Rate-Mediation Services (Family) - Palm Beach County per Section 1 (Scope of Services) of the Contract @ $125.00 for each completed mediation session which may last up to three hours. All activities will be in accordance with Chapter 55, Florida Statutes and Rule 10 (et al), Florida Rules for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators. $125.00 Independent dispute mediation or arbitration service Fixed Fee / Unit Rate
Mediation Services (Family) - Palm Beach County per Section 1 (Scope of Services) of the Contract @ $50.00 for each mediation session that does not proceed as scheduled due to either cancellation without 24 hours notice to the Mediator or failure of one of the parties to appear. All activities will be in accordance with Chapter 55, Florida Statutes and Rule 10 (et al), Florida Rules for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators. $50.00 Independent dispute mediation or arbitration service Fixed Fee / Unit Rate