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Deliverable Number
Commodity/Service Type
Major Deliverable
Method of Payment
Social welfare services
D-1.1. Staffing Grant – A service unit consists of one (1) month of supporting activities as identif...
Fixed Fee / Unit Rate
Major Deliverable: D-1.1. Staffing Grant – A service unit consists of one (1) month of supporting activities as identified in Exhibit C1. D-2.1. The Provider shall deliver at least three (3) activities from two (2) of the following as reported on Attachment D1: CoC Board/Membership Meeting Activities, CoC Committee/Subcommittee/Workgroup Activities, CoC Training and Technical Assistance Activities (1 unit-July each fiscal year)and FY 2024-2025 |
Deliverable Price: $8,928.58 |
Non Price Justification: |
Performance Metrics: E-2.2 For the acceptance of deliverables, the Provider shall complete three (3) activities from at least two (2) of the Minimum Service Targets identified in D-2.1 as reported on Attachment D1.$17,678.82 X 1 Complete three (5) activities from at least three (3) of the Minimum Service Targets identified in section D2. ***Amd.12 staffing 11pmt at $15,491.24 and 1 pmt at $15,491.21 for Grand Total $185,894.85 |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 52 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
D-1.1. Staffing Grant – A service unit consists of one (1) month of supporting activities as identif...
Fixed Fee / Unit Rate
Major Deliverable: D-1.1. Staffing Grant – A service unit consists of one (1) month of supporting activities as identified in Exhibit C1. D-2.1. The Provider shall deliver at least three (3) activities from two (2) of the following as reported on Attachment D1: CoC Board/Membership Meeting Activities, CoC Committee/Subcommittee/Workgroup Activities, CoC Training and Technical Assistance Activities (11 units August-June each fiscal year) |
Deliverable Price: $8,928.57 |
Non Price Justification: |
Performance Metrics: E-2.2 For the acceptance of deliverables, the Provider shall complete three (3) activities from at least two (2) of the Minimum Service Targets identified in D-2.1 as reported on Attachment D1. $17,678.79 x 8. Complete three (5) activities from at least three (3) of the Minimum Service Targets identified in section D2 |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 52 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
D-1.2. Challenge Grant –A unit of service is one (1) month of providing housing, service, and/or pro...
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: D-1.2. Challenge Grant –A unit of service is one (1) month of providing housing, service, and/or program needs in a manner consistent with the CoC Plan to eligible individuals as described in Exhibit C2 and reported on Attachment D2. D-2.2.1.The Challenge Grant Housing Projects will serve a minimum of 1 individual each month.D-2.2.3. The Challenge Grant Service Projects will serve a minimum of 1 individual each month.***Amd.12 fy24-25 chal housing 4 a month & 48 a year, chal SVC 3 a month and 36 a year. |
Deliverable Price: $0.00 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: E-2.3 For the acceptance of deliverables, the Provider shall serve 100% of individuals served by Challenge Grant Housing Activities (12) on an annual basis, 100% of individuals served by Challenge Grant Service Activities (12) on an annual basis as identified in D-3.2 and reported on Attachment D2.***Amd.12 fy24-25 chal housing 4 a month & 48 a year, chal SVC 3 a month and 36 a year.***Amd.12 Cost Reimbursement 12 unit during FY24-25 grand total not over 646,594.51 |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 52 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
D-1.3. Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)–A unit of service is one (1) month of providing emergency she...
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: D-1.3. Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)–A unit of service is one (1) month of providing emergency shelter including expenses related to operating emergency shelters or essential services, street outreach to unsheltered individuals, and/or homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing assistance to eligible individuals as described in Exhibit C3 and reported on Attachment D3.D-2.3.4.The ESG Rapid Re-Housing Projects will serve a minimum of 2 individuals each month.888Amd12 FY24-25 |
Deliverable Price: $151,000.00 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: E-2.4 For the acceptance of deliverables, the Provider shall serve 100% of individuals served by ESG Rapid Re-Housing Activities (24) on an annual basis as identified in D-3.3 and reported on Attachment D3.***Amd.12 ESG 12 units fiscal year total $166,363.67 Cost Reimbursement |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 52 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
Emergency Solutions Grant - CV (ESG-CV) – A unit of service is one (1) month of providing services a...
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: Emergency Solutions Grant - CV (ESG-CV) – A unit of service is one (1) month of providing services and payment, as applicable and allowable, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, among individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance and to support additional homeless assistance and homelessness prevention activities to mitigate the impacts created by coronavirus. As described in Amendment #001 D-2.3.1-4, The ESG Rapid Re-Housing Projects will serve a minimum of 5 individuals each month, ESG-CV Emergency Shelter Projects will serve a minimum of 12 individuals each month, ESG-CV Street Outreach Projects will serve at least 50 individuals each month, and the ESG-CV Homelessness Prevention Project will serve at least 1 individual each month |
Deliverable Price: $1,646,000.00 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: E-2.4 For the acceptance of deliverables, the Provider shall serve 100% of individuals served by ESG cv Rapid Re-Housing Activities (48), ESG cv Homeless Prevention activities (9), ESG cv Street Outreach (450), and Emergency shelter services (108) on an annual basis for FY 20/21 as identified in Amendment #001 D-3.3.2-4 and reported on Attachment D5. |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: A #001 pages 1-4 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
Emergency Solutions Grant - CV (ESG-CV) – A unit of service is one (1) month of providing services a...
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: Emergency Solutions Grant - CV (ESG-CV) – A unit of service is one (1) month of providing services and payment, as applicable and allowable, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, among individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance and to support additional homeless assistance and homelessness prevention activities to mitigate the impacts created by coronavirus. As described in Amendment #002 D-2.3.1-4, The ESG Rapid Re-Housing Projects will serve a minimum of 12 individuals each month, ESG-CV Emergency Shelter Projects will serve a minimum of 2 individuals each month, and ESG-CV Street Outreach Projects will serve at least 31 individuals each month. |
Deliverable Price: $3,038,241.70 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: E-2.4 For the acceptance of deliverables, the Provider shall serve 100% of individuals served by ESG cv Rapid Re-Housing Activities (138), ESG cv Street Outreach (372), and Emergency shelter services (24) on an annual basis for FY 21/22 as identified in Amendment #002 D-3.3.1-4 and reported on Attachment D5. |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: A #002 pages 1-5 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
Emergency Solutions Grant - CV (ESG-CV) – A unit of service is one (1) month of providing services a...
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: Emergency Solutions Grant - CV (ESG-CV) – A unit of service is one (1) month of providing services and payment, as applicable and allowable, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, among individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance and to support additional homeless assistance and homelessness prevention activities to mitigate the impacts created by coronavirus. As described in Amendment #006 D-2.3.5-8, The ESG Rapid Re-Housing Projects will serve a minimum of 10 individuals each month, and ESG-CV Emergency Shelter Projects will serve a minimum of 4 individuals each month. |
Deliverable Price: $1,218,845.14 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: E-2.4 For the acceptance of deliverables, the Provider shall serve 100% of individuals served by ESG cv Rapid Re-Housing Activities (120), and Emergency shelter services (48) on an annual basis for FY 21/22 as identified in Amendment #006 D-3.3.5-8 and reported on Attachment D5. |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: pages 1- 4 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
RUSH GRANT D-2.5.1 The RUSH Street Outreach Projects will serve, at a minimum, the following number...
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: RUSH GRANT D-2.5.1 The RUSH Street Outreach Projects will serve, at a minimum, the following number of 12 individuals each month |
Deliverable Price: $0.00 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: RUSH GRANT B-1.6. Rapid Unsheltered Survivor Housing (RUSH) – Pursuant to 24 CFR Part 576, provide services and payment, as applicable and allowable, to address the needs of homeless individuals or families or individuals or families at risk of homelessness in areas affected by a major disaster. RUSH funds have the same applicability throughout the contract as ESG unless otherwise stated within this Contract, or addressed through guidance from HUD or the Department. |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 52 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
ESG-CV3 Rapid Re-Housing Activities – The ESG-CV3 Rapid Re-Housing Projects will serve, at a minimum...
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: ESG-CV3 Rapid Re-Housing Activities – The ESG-CV3 Rapid Re-Housing Projects will serve, at a minimum, 5 the following number of individuals each month. |
Deliverable Price: $0.00 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: CV3 Grant-B-1.5. Emergency Solutions Grant - CV (ESG-CV and ESG-CV3) – Pursuant to 24 CFR Part 576, provide services and payment, as applicable and allowable, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, among individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance and to support additional homeless assistance and homelessness prevention activities to mitigate the impacts created by coronavirus. ESG-CV and ESG-CV3 have the same applicability throughout the contract as ESG unless otherwise stated within this Contract, or addressed either through guidance from HUD or the State Office on Homelessness. |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 52 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
F-2-2.1.1. Challenge Plus funds – The applicability of this section is identified in Sections B-1.2....
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: F-2-2.1.1. Challenge Plus funds – The applicability of this section is identified in Sections B-1.2.1. and F- of this Contract. The Challenge Plus funds are cost reimbursement funded by state funds pursuant to program guidelines. The Department shall reimburse the Provider for allowable expenditures incurred pursuant to the terms of this Contract for a total dollar amount identified in Section F-2.1., subject to the availability of funds. 1. Attachment D7 Challenge Plus funds Monthly Status Report is added. 2. Attachment E5 Challenge Plus funds Back-up Documentation is added. 3. Attachment F7 Challenge Plus funds Monthly Invoice Report is added. 4. Attachment F7.1 Challenge Plus funds Monthly Roll-up Report is added. |
Deliverable Price: $0.00 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: C2-2. The intent of the grant is to help implement the local homeless assistance plan, and to help the community reach the goals and objectives outlined in their Plan. C2-2.1. Initiative #1 – Rapid Re-housing through Reunification of Families. This initiative is focused on prevention (20 per Year) C2-2.2. Initiative #2 – Employing Targeted Homeless Prevention Services. This initiative is focused on homelessness prevention (20 per Year) and rapid re-housing services for defined vulnerable populations (20 per Year). |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 52 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
Amd. 10.1. D-3.2. is amended to read:D-3.2. Challenge Grant – The applicability of this section ...
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: Amd. 10.1. D-3.2. is amended to read:D-3.2. Challenge Grant – The applicability of this section is identified in Section B-1.2.1. of this Contract. The Provider shall deliver 12 months of housing, program, and/or service needs to the geographic area. |
Deliverable Price: $0.00 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: Amd. 10.D-3.2.1. Challenge Grant Housing Activities – The Challenge Grant Housing Projects will serve, at a minimum 20, the following number of individuals each fiscal year.D-3.2.2. Challenge Grant Program Activities – The Challenge Grant Program Projects will serve, at a minimum 0, the following number of individuals each fiscal year.D-3.2.3. Challenge Grant Service Activities – The Challenge Grant Service Projects will serve, at a minimum 20, the following number of individuals each fiscal year. |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 52 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
A0013-D-1.2.2. Challenge Unsheltered Grant – The applicability of this section is identified in B-1....
Cost Reimbursement Plus Fixed Fee(s), including Fixed Price Components
Major Deliverable: A0013-D-1.2.2. Challenge Unsheltered Grant – The applicability of this section is identified in B-1.2.2.A unit of service is (1) month of providing eligible service tasks as described in Exhibit C2 toindividuals suffering homelessness or at risk of homelessness, or homeless organizations(shelters, homeless service organizations). If providing support to homelessness organizationswhich is not directly tied to specific individuals who are suffering homelessness or at risk ofhomelessness (i.e. shelter construction, improvement, supply costs, operating costs, staff costs),a unit of service is (1) month of providing eligible service tasks at a rate of one deliverable per$1,235 spent on providing eligible service tasks. When using this rate to determine the level ofdeliverables achieved per (1) month unit of service, any partial deliverables achieved should berounded downward to the nearest whole number. |
Deliverable Price: $0.00 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: xIf providing support to homelessness organizations which is not directly tied to specific individualswho are suffering homelessness or at risk of homelessness (i.e. shelter construction,improvement, supply costs, operating costs, staff costs), a unit of service is (1) month of providingeligible service tasks at a rate of one unit of one deliverable per $1,235 spent on providing eligibleservice tasks. When using this rate to determine the level of deliverables achieved per (1) monthunit of service, any partial deliverables achieved should be rounded downward to the nearestwhole number. The Challenge Unsheltered Grant will serve, at a minimum, the following number of individuals, ororganizations at the rate specified above, each fiscal year.Fiscal Year (FY) FY24-25Total Deliverables 107 |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 53 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
*** A0014 -8. D-3.5., is amended to add: D-3.5.2 . RUSH 2 Activities – The RUSH 2 Emergency Shelter,...
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: *** A0014 -8. D-3.5., is amended to add: D-3.5.2 . RUSH 2 Activities – The RUSH 2 Emergency Shelter, Street Outreach, Homelessness Prevention, and Rapid Re-Housing Projects will serve, at a minimum, the following number of individuals each fiscal year. |
Deliverable Price: $0.00 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: *** A0014 -8. D-3.5., is amended to add:Fiscal Year (FY) FY 24-25 Total Individuals Served Each Fiscal Year 30 |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 53 |
Deliverable Number: |