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Deliverable Number
Commodity/Service Type
Major Deliverable
Method of Payment
Social welfare services
D-1.1. Staffing Grant – A service unit consists of one (1) month of supporting activities as identif...
Fixed Fee / Unit Rate
Major Deliverable: D-1.1. Staffing Grant – A service unit consists of one (1) month of supporting activities as identified in Exhibit C1. D-2.1. The Provider shall deliver at least three (3) activities from two (2) of the following as reported on Attachment D1: CoC Board/Membership Meeting Activities, CoC Committee/Subcommittee/Workgroup Activities, CoC Training and Technical Assistance Activities(1 unit July each fiscal year; excluding fiscal year 2023-2024) |
Deliverable Price: $8,928.58 |
Non Price Justification: |
Performance Metrics: E-2.2 For the acceptance of deliverables, the Provider shall complete three (3) activities from at least two (2) of the Minimum Service Targets identified in D-2.1 as reported on Attachment D1. |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 56 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
D-1.1. Staffing Grant – A service unit consists of one (1) month of supporting activities as identif...
Fixed Fee / Unit Rate
Major Deliverable: D-1.1. Staffing Grant – A service unit consists of one (1) month of supporting activities as identified in Exhibit C1. D-2.1. The Provider shall deliver at least three (3) activities from two (2) of the following as reported on Attachment D1: CoC Board/Membership Meeting Activities, CoC Committee/Subcommittee/Workgroup Activities, CoC Training and Technical Assistance Activities (11 units August-June each fiscal year; excluding fiscal year 2023-2024) |
Deliverable Price: $8,928.57 |
Non Price Justification: |
Performance Metrics: E-2.2 For the acceptance of deliverables, the Provider shall complete three (3) activities from at least two (2) of the Minimum Service Targets identified in D-2.1 as reported on Attachment D1 |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 56 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
D-1.2. Challenge Grant –A unit of service is one (1) month of providing housing, service, and/or pro...
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: D-1.2. Challenge Grant –A unit of service is one (1) month of providing housing, service, and/or program needs in a manner consistent with the CoC Plan to eligible individuals as described in Exhibit C2 and reported on Attachment D2. D-2.2.2.The Challenge Grant Program Projects will serve a minimum of 30 individuals each month.D-2.2.3.The Challenge Grant Service Projects will serve a minimum of 5 individuals each month (12 units July - June each fiscal year) |
Deliverable Price: $0.00 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: E-2.3 For the acceptance of deliverables, the Provider shall serve 100% of individuals served by Challenge Grant Program Activities (360) on an annual basis, 100% of individuals served by Challenge Grant Service Activities (60) on an annual basis as identified in D-3.2 and reported on Attachment D2. |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 56 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
D-1.3. Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) –A unit of service is one (1) month of providing emergency sh...
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: D-1.3. Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) –A unit of service is one (1) month of providing emergency shelter including expenses related to operating emergency shelters or essential services, street outreach to unsheltered individuals, and/or homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing assistance to eligible individuals as described in Exhibit C3 and reported on Attachment D3.D-2.3.3.The ESG Homelessness Prevention Projects will serve a minimum of 3 individuals each month.D-2.3.4.The ESG Rapid Re-Housing Projects will serve a minimum of 3 individuals each month. |
Deliverable Price: $0.00 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: E-2.4 For the acceptance of deliverables, the Provider shall serve 100% of individuals served by ESG Homelessness Prevention Activities (36)on an annual basis, 100% of individuals served by ESG Rapid Re-Housing Activities (36)on an annual basis as identified in D-3.3 and reported on Attachment D3. |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 56 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
D-1.4.Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Homelessness Prevention Grant –A unit of servic...
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: D-1.4.Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Homelessness Prevention Grant –A unit of service is one (1) month of providing homeless prevention and/or case management services to eligible individuals as described in Exhibit C4 as reported on Attachment D4. D-2.4.1.The TANF Homelessness Prevention Projects will serve a minimum of 2 individuals and 1 households each monthD-2.4.2.The TANF Case Management Projects will serve a minimum of 6 individuals and 3 households each month. |
Deliverable Price: $46,582.00 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: E-2.5 For the acceptance of deliverables, the Provider shall serve 100% of individuals and 100% of households served by TANF Homelessness Prevention Activities (24 individuals 12 households) on an annual basis, 100% of individuals and 100% of households served by TANF Case Management Activities (72 individuals 36 households) on an annual basis as identified in D-3.4 and reported on Attachment D4 |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 56 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
D-1.3. Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) –A unit of service is one (1) month of providing emergency sh...
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: D-1.3. Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) –A unit of service is one (1) month of providing emergency shelter including expenses related to operating emergency shelters or essential services, street outreach to unsheltered individuals, and/or homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing assistance to eligible individuals as described in Exhibit C3 and reported on Attachment D3. D-2.3.3.The ESG Homelessness Prevention Projects will serve a minimum of 5 individuals each month. D-2.3.4.The ESG Rapid Re-Housing Projects will serve a minimum of 7 individuals each month as referenced in Amendment #001. |
Deliverable Price: $927,000.00 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: E-2.4 For the acceptance of deliverables, the Provider shall serve 100% of individuals served by ESG Homelessness Prevention Activities (45)on an annual basis, 100% of individuals served by ESG Rapid Re-Housing Activities (63)on an annual basis as identified in D-3.3 and reported on Attachment D3 for FY 20/21. |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 56 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
D-1.3. Emergency Solutions Grant CV (ESGCV) –A unit of service is one (1) month of providing emergen...
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: D-1.3. Emergency Solutions Grant CV (ESGCV) –A unit of service is one (1) month of providing emergency shelter including expenses related to operating emergency shelters or essential services, street outreach to unsheltered individuals, and/or homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing assistance to eligible individuals as described in Exhibit C3 and reported on Attachment D3. D.2.3.1. The ESG Emergency Shelter projects will serve 20 individuals each month. D-2.3.3.The ESG Homelessness Prevention Projects will serve a minimum of 5 individuals each month. D-2.3.4.The ESG Rapid Re-Housing Projects will serve a minimum of 14 individuals each month as referenced in Amendment #002. |
Deliverable Price: $2,028,032.00 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: E-2.4 For the acceptance of deliverables, the Provider shall serve 100% of individuals served by ESG Homelessness Prevention Activities (120)on an annual basis, 100% of individuals served by ESG Emergency Shelter Activities (168), 100% of individuals served by ESG Rapid Re-Housing Activities (192) on an annual basis as identified in D-3.3 and reported on Attachment D3 for FY 21/22. |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: A #2 Pg1-5 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
D-1.3. Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) –A unit of service is one (1) month of providing emergency sh...
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: D-1.3. Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) –A unit of service is one (1) month of providing emergency shelter including expenses related to operating emergency shelters or essential services, street outreach to unsheltered individuals, and/or homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing assistance to eligible individuals as described in Exhibit C3 and reported on Attachment D3. D.2.3.7. The ESG Homelessness Prevention Projects will serve a minimum of 2 individuals each month as referenced in Amendment #006. |
Deliverable Price: $105,311.12 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: D-3.3.7 For the acceptance of deliverables, the Provider shall serve 100% of individuals served by ESG Homelessness Prevention Activities (24)on an annual basis, for FY 22/23. |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: A #6 Pg 1-3 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
F-2.1.1. Staffing Grant - Each month, the Provider shall provide a report of the completed monthly a...
Fixed Fee / Unit Rate
Major Deliverable: F-2.1.1. Staffing Grant - Each month, the Provider shall provide a report of the completed monthly activities within the geographic area. The Provider shall deliver at least 5 activities from 3 of the following: D-2.1.1. CoC Board/Membership Meeting Activities D-2.1.2.CoC Committee/Subcommittee/Workgroup Activities D-2.1.3.CoC Training and Technical Assistance Activities D-2.1.4.CoC Subcontractor Monitoring D-2.1.5.CoC Community Engagement Activities (7 units November 2023 - May 2024) |
Deliverable Price: $18,772.56 |
Non Price Justification: Rate Agreement |
Performance Metrics: CoC Board/Membership Meeting Activities – The CoC will hold a minimum number of CoC Board and/or Membership Meetings each month, as defined in section D-2.1.1. CoC Committee/Subcommittee/Workgroup Activities – The CoC will hold a minimum number of Committee, Subcommittee, or Workgroup Meetings each month, as defined in section D-2.1.2. CoC Training and Technical Assistance Activities – The CoC will conduct a minimum number of Training and Technical Assistance Activities each month, as defined in section D-2.1.3. Complete five (5) activities from at least three (3) of the Minimum Service Targets identified. |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 53 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
F-2.1.1. Staffing Grant - Each month, the Provider shall provide a report of the completed monthly a...
Fixed Fee / Unit Rate
Major Deliverable: F-2.1.1. Staffing Grant - Each month, the Provider shall provide a report of the completed monthly activities within the geographic area. The Provider shall deliver at least 5 activities from 3 of the following: D-2.1.1. CoC Board/Membership Meeting Activities D-2.1.2.CoC Committee/Subcommittee/Workgroup Activities D-2.1.3.CoC Training and Technical Assistance Activities D-2.1.4.CoC Subcontractor Monitoring D-2.1.5.CoC Community Engagement Activities (1 unit June 2024) |
Deliverable Price: $18,772.65 |
Non Price Justification: Rate Agreement |
Performance Metrics: CoC Board/Membership Meeting Activities – The CoC will hold a minimum number of CoC Board and/or Membership Meetings each month, as defined in section D-2.1.1. CoC Committee/Subcommittee/Workgroup Activities – The CoC will hold a minimum number of Committee, Subcommittee, or Workgroup Meetings each month, as defined in section D-2.1.2. CoC Training and Technical Assistance Activities – The CoC will conduct a minimum number of Training and Technical Assistance Activities each month, as defined in section D-2.1.3. Complete five (5) activities from at least three (3) of the Minimum Service Targets identified |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 53 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
D-1.1. Staffing Grant – A service unit consists of one (1) month of supporting activities as identif...
Fixed Fee / Unit Rate
Major Deliverable: D-1.1. Staffing Grant – A service unit consists of one (1) month of supporting activities as identified in Exhibit C1. D-2.1. The Provider shall deliver at least three (3) activities from two (2) of the following as reported on Attachment D1: CoC Board/Membership Meeting Activities, CoC Committee/Subcommittee/Workgroup Activities, CoC Training and Technical Assistance Activities(4 units July 2023 - October 2023) |
Deliverable Price: $8,928.57 |
Non Price Justification: |
Performance Metrics: E-2.2 For the acceptance of deliverables, the Provider shall complete three (3) activities from at least two (2) of the Minimum Service Targets identified in D-2.1 as reported on Attachment D1. |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 53 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
Amendment 0010-D-1.2. Challenge Grant –A unit of service is one (1) month of providing housing, serv...
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: Amendment 0010-D-1.2. Challenge Grant –A unit of service is one (1) month of providing housing, service, and/or program needs in a manner consistent with the CoC Plan to eligible individuals as described in Exhibit C2 and reported on Attachment D2. D-2.2.2.The Challenge Grant Program Projects will serve a minimum of 36 individuals each month. D-2.2.3.The Challenge Grant Service Projects will serve a minimum of 12 individuals each month (12 units July - June each fiscal year) |
Deliverable Price: $0.00 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: E-2.3 For the acceptance of deliverables, the Provider shall serve 100% of individuals served by Challenge Grant Program Activities (625) on an annual basis, 100% of individuals served by Challenge Grant Service Activities (152) on an annual basis as identified in D-3.2 and reported on Attachment D2. |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 53 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
Amendment 0010 D-1.3. Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) –A unit of service is one (1) month of providi...
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: Amendment 0010 D-1.3. Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) –A unit of service is one (1) month of providing emergency shelter including expenses related to operating emergency shelters or essential services, street outreach to unsheltered individuals, and/or homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing assistance to eligible individuals as described in Exhibit C3 and reported on Attachment D3. D.2.3.7. The ESG Homelessness Prevention Projects will serve a minimum of 6 individuals each month. |
Deliverable Price: $0.00 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: D-3.3.7 For the acceptance of deliverables, the Provider shall serve 100% of individuals served by ESG Homelessness Prevention Activities (72)on an annual basis, for FY 24/25 |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: A #6 Pg 1-3 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
Amendment 0010-F-2.1.1. Staffing Grant - Each month, the Provider shall provide a report of the comp...
Fixed Fee / Unit Rate
Major Deliverable: Amendment 0010-F-2.1.1. Staffing Grant - Each month, the Provider shall provide a report of the completed monthly activities within the geographic area. The Provider shall deliver at least 5 activities from 3 of the following: D-2.1.1. CoC Board/Membership Meeting Activities D-2.1.2.CoC Committee/Subcommittee/Workgroup Activities D-2.1.3.CoC Training and Technical Assistance Activities D-2.1.4.CoC Subcontractor Monitoring D-2.1.5.CoC Community Engagement Activities (11 units July 2024 - May 2025) |
Deliverable Price: $15,491.24 |
Non Price Justification: Rate Agreement |
Performance Metrics: CoC Board/Membership Meeting Activities – The CoC will hold a minimum number of CoC Board and/or Membership Meetings each month, as defined in section D-2.1.1. CoC Committee/Subcommittee/Workgroup Activities – The CoC will hold a minimum number of Committee, Subcommittee, or Workgroup Meetings each month, as defined in section D-2.1.2. CoC Training and Technical Assistance Activities – The CoC will conduct a minimum number of Training and Technical Assistance Activities each month, as defined in section D-2.1.3. Complete five (5) activities from at least three (3) of the Minimum Service Targets identified |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 53 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
Amendment 0010-F-2.1.1. Staffing Grant - Each month, the Provider shall provide a report of the comp...
Fixed Fee / Unit Rate
Major Deliverable: Amendment 0010-F-2.1.1. Staffing Grant - Each month, the Provider shall provide a report of the completed monthly activities within the geographic area. The Provider shall deliver at least 5 activities from 3 of the following: D-2.1.1. CoC Board/Membership Meeting Activities D-2.1.2.CoC Committee/Subcommittee/Workgroup Activities D-2.1.3.CoC Training and Technical Assistance Activities D-2.1.4.CoC Subcontractor Monitoring D-2.1.5.CoC Community Engagement Activities (1 units June 2025) |
Deliverable Price: $15,491.21 |
Non Price Justification: Rate Agreement |
Performance Metrics: CoC Board/Membership Meeting Activities – The CoC will hold a minimum number of CoC Board and/or Membership Meetings each month, as defined in section D-2.1.1. CoC Committee/Subcommittee/Workgroup Activities – The CoC will hold a minimum number of Committee, Subcommittee, or Workgroup Meetings each month, as defined in section D-2.1.2. CoC Training and Technical Assistance Activities – The CoC will conduct a minimum number of Training and Technical Assistance Activities each month, as defined in section D-2.1.3. Complete five (5) activities from at least three (3) of the Minimum Service Targets identified |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 53 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
F-2.1.8. Emergency Solutions Grant – CV3 (ESG-CV3) – The Department agrees to reimburse for allowabl...
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: F-2.1.8. Emergency Solutions Grant – CV3 (ESG-CV3) – The Department agrees to reimburse for allowable costs for ESG-CV3 Activities. –A unit of service is one (1) month of providing emergency shelter including expenses related to operating emergency shelters or essential services, street outreach to unsheltered individuals, and/or homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing assistance to eligible individuals as described in Exhibit C3 and reported on Attachment D3. D-2.5 is Amended to add Rapid Unsheltered Survivor Housing (RUSH) and RUSH Street Outreach Activities. The provider shall provide eligible emergency shelter including expenses related to operating emergency shelters or essential services, street outreach to unsheltered individuals, and/or homeless prevention and rapid re-housing assistance to eligible individuals in the geographic area |
Deliverable Price: $192,970.88 |
Non Price Justification: Rate Agreement |
Performance Metrics: D-3.3.11. ESG-CV3 Homelessness Prevention Activities – The ESG-CV3 Homelessness Prevention Projects will serve, at a minimum FY22-23 (24) and FY 23-24 (24).– The RUSH Prevention Project will serve, at a minimum FY 22-23 (108) and FY 23-24 (36) individuals served |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year-to-date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. If the Provider exceeds the same deliverable(s) during the subsequent invoice period and meets the year-to-date target of prorated deliverables, the Provider may submit a supplemental invoice, demonstrating the measure has been subsequently met and request payment of the reduced (delayed) portion of the original invoice. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 53 |
Deliverable Number: |
Social welfare services
A0012 RUSH 2 Grant - Activities: The RUSH 2 Rapid Re-Housing Projects, HMIS, and Admin will serve, a...
Cost Reimbursement
Major Deliverable: A0012 RUSH 2 Grant - Activities: The RUSH 2 Rapid Re-Housing Projects, HMIS, and Admin will serve, at a minimum, the 30 of individuals each fiscal year (annual). (FY24-FY25) |
Deliverable Price: $0.00 |
Non Price Justification: Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed |
Performance Metrics: The RUSH 2 will serve a minimum of 8 individuals, as identified in section D-3.5. (Annual)Fiscal Year (FY) FY 24-25. 100% of individuals served by the RUSH 2 activities on an annual basis as identified in D-3. and reported on Attachment D2. |
Financial Consequences: F-5.2. Should the Provider fail to meet Monthly Deliverables specified in Section D-2 or fail to achieve the year to date target of each prorated monthly deliverable, the Department, after determining the absence of mitigating circumstances, shall delay payment at a rate of ten percent (10%) of the total invoice for each unmet deliverable. |
Source Documentation Page Reference: 53 |
Deliverable Number: |