Main Information
Agency Contract ID: X9101
FLAIR Contract ID: X9A21
Short Title: OPPG
Long Title: Office of Public and Professional Guardians
Contract Type: Grant Disbursement Agreement
Contract Status: Closed or Expired
Date of Execution: 06/24/2021
Date of Beginning: 07/01/2021
Original End Date: 06/30/2024
New Ending Date:
Agency Service Area:
Statutory Authority: 744.2001-744.3085
Contract Involves State or Federal Financial Assistance: Yes
Provide for Administrative Cost: No
Provide for Periodic Increase: No
Procurement Information
Authorized Advanced Payment: No
Method of Procurement: Exempt, Federal or state law prescribes with whom the agency must contract [s. 287.057 (11), FS]
State Term Contract ID:
Contract’s Exemption Justification: Exempt, Federal or state law prescribes with whom the agency must contract [s. 287.057 (10), FS]
Agency Reference Number:
Business Case Study Done: No
Legal Challenges to Procurement: No
Outsourcing / Capital Improvements
Was the Contracted Function Previously Performed by the State: No
Was the Contracted Function Considered for Insourcing back to the State: No
Did the Vendor Make Capital Improvements on State Property: No